Nurse's perspective regarding the Trauma FastTrack
trauma center; emergency; nurse; continuous education; injuriesAbstract
Background: according to the World Health Organization (WHO), trauma is one of the biggest health problems worldwide and is responsible for increased mortality and morbidity of the population. Recognizing Nurses as important actors in the primary intervention to the trauma victim, we consider it pertinent to know their perspective on Trauma Fast Track, as this is a measure considered positively relevant for the improvement of care for the trauma victim. Objective: to explore the difficulties of implementation of the Trauma Fast Track and the health gains that this methodology brings in the perspective of the nurse. Also we intend to reflect on the reasons for the low implementation of this Trauma Fast Track in the hospitals in Portugal. Methodology: qualitative, exploratory study using focus groups as a data collection method. Non-probabilistic sample, data analysis according to Bardin's content analysis method. Results: after analysis of the transcriptions, three categories emerged: identification of advantages, training needs and identification of hindering factors that highlight the nurse's perspective on the Trauma Fast Track. Conclusion: nurses consider the Trauma Fast Track as a tool that has important advantages in terms of care for trauma victims, recognizing the training needs and hindering factors that may exist.
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