Social representation of domestic violence on women
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violência doméstica, representação social, mulheres

How to Cite

Oliveira, I. ., Figueiredo, B., Nina, J., Oliveira, X. ., & Novais, S. . (2019). Social representation of domestic violence on women. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 2(2), 7–18.


Background: domestic violence is a public health problem comprising a range of physical, sexual, psychological and social abuse. The social representation of domestic violence, as a social construction, is a less studied aspect and its understanding can be significant to create responses for these women. Objective: to know the social representation of domestic violence on women. Methodology: a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, in a non - probabilistic sample of the Oliveira de Azeméis population, was designed. For data collection, a word association test was used through a questionnaire. The IRAMUTEQ computer software was used to process the collected data. Results: when participants reflect on domestic violence about women, they associate fear, suffering and pain. It is noteworthy the high frequency of the terms sadness, shame and children. Self-esteem and discussion also emerge as relevant in the social representation of domestic violence. Conclusion: the exploration of the social representation of domestic violence allowed to obtain the interpretation of the, evidencing the negative aspects of the same as a penalizing experience for women.
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