Adolescents with DM1: knowledge about disease and difficulties in self-care




Adolescent, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Self-Care, Nursing


Background: type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease increasingly prevalent in children, thus it is essential to encourage adherence to self-care and minimize the difficulties experienced. Objectives: characterize the knowledge of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus about their disease and identify their difficulties in self-care. Methodology: quantitative, simple descriptive study. Application of Knowledge Test of Adolescents with DM1 about the disease and the Inventory of Difficulties in Self-Care Roles by Flora & Gameiro (2016). Data collected between june and november 2021 at Diabetes Consultation of a Hospital in the central region of Portugal. Sample of 34 diabetic adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 (±2.3) years. Results: in overall knowledge, adolescents show a level of knowledge between reasonable and good, and it is in domain 1 (Nature of the disease/physiopathology) where they show the best level of knowledge. In the difficulties in the self-care roles, they show higher percentages of difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet, fighting stress and interventions when facing hypoglycemia. Conclusion: adolescents have difficulties in self-care roles, and the nurses' intervention in the implementation of adjusted therapeutic plans is essential to overcome the knowledge gaps and reduce the identified difficulties


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How to Cite

Carvalhais, M., Raquel Melo Oliveira Oliveira, A. ., Cristina Ferreira Fontoura, P. ., Luísa Alves Martins, A. L. A. M., dos Santos Oliveira, A. R. ., Patrícia Duarte De Jesus , D. ., … Tavares da Silva, S. R. . (2023). Adolescents with DM1: knowledge about disease and difficulties in self-care . Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(2), 51–62.

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