Effectiveness of synchronous non-class education in higher health education
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distance education
personal satisfaction
health science students
higher education

How to Cite

Ferreira, A., Santos, catarina, Santos, J., Figueiredo, M., & Ratushnyi, R. (2023). Effectiveness of synchronous non-class education in higher health education. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(2), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.37914/riis.v6i2.257


Background: the SARS-COV2 pandemic has conditioned the functioning of Higher Education Institutions, leading to the adoption of measures to ensure the teaching process, until then face-to-face, towards a synchronous non-face-to-face teaching typology. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of synchronous remote teaching in higher health education in response to the pandemic, from the student's perspective, and their satisfaction. Methodology: mixed, descriptive and exploratory study, with data collection through an online questionnaire. The target population are students who transitioned to synchronous non-face-to-face teaching. Statistical analysis using the SPSS® program, version 27.0 and content analysis according to Bardin (2016). Ethical requirements met. Results: 48 students participated who showed a lower average level of satisfaction with synchronous remote teaching compared to face-to-face teaching, a highly significant relationship (t=3.09; p=0.003). Teacher-student and student-student interaction is considered of lower quality, however, it is considered that synchronous remote teaching demonstrates effectiveness in maintaining students' training paths. Conclusion: the technological conditions for access to synchronous remote teaching were considered adequate, as well as the degree of effectiveness, although with lower levels of satisfaction compared to face-to-face teaching

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