Promotion of physical activity in a higher education institution
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exercise; health promotion; higher education institutions

How to Cite

Quesado, A., Santos, A. R. ., Soares, I. C. ., Moreira, L. ., & Pereira, S. . (2020). Promotion of physical activity in a higher education institution. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 3(2), 49–60.


Background: although regular physical activity positively influences the emotional and physical health of higher education students, the prevalence of physical inactivity is high. Objectives: perform a diagnosis of the situation regarding the physical activity of the academic community; plan and implement interventions to promote physical activity through diagnosis; reduce sedentary lifestyle in the academic community. Methodology: action research developed at a School of Health in the central region of Portugal. Non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. This article describes the 1st Cycle of this investigation, in which the diagnosis of physical activity was carried out, using a socio-demographic questionnaire, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and Focus Group. A strategic plan for promoting physical activity was developed and implementation started. Analysis of quantitative data through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, for qualitative data, Bardin's assumptions were followed. Results: 53.52% of the participants were insufficiently active, 24.65% were inactive; with an average sitting time of 6.86 hours. In Focus Group they suggested implementing group activities and the “Gymbreak”. Conclusion: the design of the plan was based on the intervention axes integrated in the national strategy for physical activity, responding to the recommendations of the Directorate-General for Health and actively involving the academic community.
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