Effects of a cognitive stimulation program on the cognitive functioning of institutionalized elderly
cognition; aging; elderlyAbstract
Background: due to aging and age-associated cognitive decline, it is necessary to implement Cognitive Stimulation Programs that promote the cognitive functioning. Implementing such programs can prevent cognitive decline. Objectives: to evaluate the effects of the implementation of a cognitive stimulation program on the cognitive functioning of institutionalized elderly. Methodology: in this study, 9 institutionalized elderly with an average age of 83.67 years old, participated in 14 cognitive stimulation sessions of the “Make a Difference” program, validated for the Portuguese population. Study with repeated measures of a single group using the sociodemographic questionnaire and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA). Results: the results obtained show an increase in the global average of cognitive functioning, and after individual analysis of the evaluations, 77.78% of the participants show an improvement in MOCA results. Conclusion: the implementation of the program demonstrated potential for cognitive improvement, being relevant for its application in institutionalized elderly, in order to prevent cognitive decline. Health professionals should identify cognitive changes, tailoring their interventions, thus promoting cognitive functioning and health.
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