Physical activity pattern and psychological well-being in higher education students
physical activity; sedentary behavior; well-being; studentsAbstract
Background: Sedentary lifestyles are a current problem in modern society, enhancing the onset of health problems. Psychological well-being is associated with mental problems which are sometimes disabling and may be influenced by the pattern of physical activity. Objectives: To analyze the pattern of physical activity among students of a higher education institution and its relationship with psychological well-being. Methodology: Cross-sectional quantitative correlational study using non-probability convenience sample. Results: Sample consisted of 48 higher education students, aged 18-25 years. We studied the relationship between the pattern of physical activity and the students' psychological well-being and their relationship with the sociodemographic variables. Although there were no statistically significant relationships, there were differences, as students who engage in more intense physical activity tended to have better psychological well-being. It was also verified that there is a tendency for older students to have a lower sense of health and that students who have a better psychological well-being coefficient have a better sense of health and less time of sedentary activities.
Conclusion: It is verified that those who practice more physical activity tend to have a better psychological well-being. A greater investment in health literacy about physical activity, its patterns, and the WHO guidelines is suggested to reduce sedentary lifestyles and improve rates of physical activity.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nuno Correia, Inês Craveiro, Débora Fonseca, Margarida Cardoso, Bruna Neves

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