Nurses' Perception Scale on Seasonal Flu Vaccination: Construction/validation
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Loureiro Martins, A. I. ., Rodrigues dos Santos, M. P., Neves Ribeiro , I. E., Teodoro Horta Ferreira da Silva, C. M., Sousa Cardoso da Silva , L. A., & Ferreira, M. (2024). Nurses’ Perception Scale on Seasonal Flu Vaccination: Construction/validation: Não aplicável. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(1), 1–12.


Background: vaccination is effective in preventing and controlling outbreaks and complications from seasonal flu. Nurses play an active role in promoting vaccination for themselves and the eligible population, limiting the transmission of the disease. It is important to know the perception and attitude of nurses regarding flu vaccination to optimize the performance of their role. Objectives: to build and validate the nurses' perception scale regarding seasonal flu vaccination (EPEVAGRI). Methodology: methodological research study. A questionnaire was developed, based on a list of 48 items, constructed from a literature review, applied to 541 Portuguese nurses, fulfilling inclusion criteria. To validate the scale, statistical tests were used using computer software. The study received a favorable opinion from the ethics committee. Results: the scale in its final version consists of 38 items, presented a high value of the Cronbach alpha coefficient, translating a good indicator of internal consistency overall (α=0.932). Factor analysis allowed a division into seven factors, with rational meaning, and good Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values. Conclusion: the scale presents good psychometric characteristics, showing potential for future use in clinical practice in order to optimize the role of nurses.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Andreia Martins, Mónica Santos, Ivo Ribeiro, Custódia Silva, André Silva, Manuela Ferreira