Application of the Dynamic Model for Evaluation and Family Intervention in Palliative Care
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nursing diagnosis
family nursing
family relations
palliative care

How to Cite

Santos, S. F., Rocha , A. M. ., Maduro , B. ., Ferreira , C. ., Martins, L. ., Belo , P. ., & Ferreira, M. . (2024). Application of the Dynamic Model for Evaluation and Family Intervention in Palliative Care. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(1), 1–14.


Context: the needs of the family with patients in palliative care are complex, and they need ongoing assessment and support. The nurses who look after these families have the Dynamic Model for Evaluation and Family Intervention (DMEFI) as a theoretical and operational reference to assist them. Objective: determine the health benefits of implementing the DMEFI in the nursing of the family with patients in palliative care. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive and transversal study of 15 families. Data was collected at an oncology regional hospital where DMEFI was applied to family visits and care.  Results: of the 271 diagnoses made, the DMEFI functional dimension represented 139 (51.3%). In the family process, 63 (45.3%) diagnoses were made, of which 47 (74.6%) were resolved. Professional caregivers identified, 76 (54.7%) diagnoses with, 54 (71%) been resolved. Conclusion: the DMEFI made it possible to obtain health gains among families, as collaborative interventions with families allowed the resolution of diagnoses in the functional dimension. The DMEFI demonstrated applicability in the functional dimension of care for families of people in palliative conditions.
PDF (Português (Portugal))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Sílvia Ferreira Santos, Ana Maria Rocha , Bárbara Maduro , Cátia Ferreira , Luis Martins, Pureza Belo , Manuela Ferreira