Background: the degree of satisfaction is an important indicator of the evaluation of the quality of palliative care. Satisfaction, being a complex concept, defines the different reactions that patients and families have, with regard to the experience of palliative care. Knowledge of the degree of family satisfaction is a benchmarking factor regarding the planning, implementation and monitoring of care. Objective: to assess the degree of satisfaction of relatives of patients in the palliative care unit. Methodology: in 2020, a project for continuous quality improvement was elaborated through the qualitative, exploratory study through a telephone survey with the relatives of patients hospitalized in the palliative care unit using dimensions presented on a likert scale. Results: from the data analysis it was found that 95% of the reference family members characterize the work of the team as excellent and 4.69% as very good. Respondents considered themselves very satisfied 7.81% and with the result of 92.19% they felt totally satisfied. Conclusion: palliative care promotes the satisfaction of the needs of the end-of-life person. The promotion of dignity and respect for human life is the result of constant reflection in providing excellent care taking into account the assessment of the degree of satisfaction.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sérgio Soares, Carla Pinho, Inês Costa