Background: health beliefs and practices are a perpetuated heritage in muslim families. The way they experience birth is an experience influenced by religious and sociocultural aspects. Objective: to analyze how muslim families experience the parental transition process. Methodology: described observational study of a qualitative nature. Research question: How do Muslim families experience the process of transition to parenthood? Sample of six women, from muslim families, aged 20-30 years, residing in Lisbon. The collection of information was obtained through semi-structured interviews and the data were subjected to content analysis. Ethical procedures inherent to the research were considered. Results: three categories emerged from the interviews: Waiting supported by the family; Birth is a female matter; Intergenerationality in transition. Conclusions: in Islamic communities, parental roles and the performance of maternity care are supported by the extended family to facilitate essential learning, whereby the mother or mother-in-law accompanies the pregnancy, taking on the domestic tasks, care, and surveillance of the pregnant woman. In postpartum and newborn care, there are traditional elements that need the attention of health professionals.
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