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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under review or for publication in another journal.
  • The manuscript submitted to the RIIS journal does not contain any identification data of the authors, and all Blind Peer Review instructions were followed.
  • There are no conflicts of interest and if any support has been documented in the article.
  • The article respects the ethical procedures regarding the elaboration and publication of a scientific work and respects the current copyright legislation.
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).
  • The text is in A4 size, justified, Calibri, size 11 and 1.5 space.
  • The title consists of a maximum of 12 words.
  • All literal citations and paraphrases comply with the American Psychological Association standards (APA, 7th edition), indicating where possible the URL for references.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Instructions to Authors.
  • I authorize the indexing of the article in databases of national or international networks in which the RIIS journal can or will be indexed.
  • I declare that I am responsible, as well as the other authors, for any infringement inherent to the principles described above, or others that undermine the journal RIIS and the principles of rigor of the scientific community.
  • I authorize the use of my personal data, for the purposes of managing, disseminating and sharing the article with all databases to which RIIS is indexed.

Author Guidelines

Self-checklist      Publication Standards   Title Page

The Journal of Health Research & Innovation (RIIS) is a scientific journal published in electronic format that aims to disseminate the scientific knowledge produced in the area of ​​health sciences, education and research. It requires that all articles have scientific depth, be original, respect ethical principles and demonstrate clear relevance for the scientific advancement of the problem under study.

The content of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as respect for the ethical principles inherent to the investigation, in compliance with the journal's rules and guidelines.

The RIIS peer review process is doubly blind, so the authorship of the article should not be identified in the body. Editors select typically two reviewers, experts in the manuscript topic. 

RIIS is a continuous publication.

In preparing the document for submission, you must comply with the guidelines of the Publication Standards.

It is mandatory to submit a Title page with an indication of the title of the article, identification of the authors and contributions to the article.

It is suggested that support, financing or external collaborations be mentioned in the acknowledgment section.

Articles can be submitted in Portuguese or English. The title, abstract and keywords must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The text must be typed, Calibri, size 11, space 1.5, in word format, justified, pages in A4 format, avoiding bold and underline, font variation, color backgrounds. The article must not exceed 15 pages including references, tables and figures.

Tables and figures should only be included if absolutely necessary to understand the article. They must be identified throughout the text with the numbering in order of inclusion. Tables must have the number and title in the header. Figures must show their identification at the bottom. If they contain abbreviations, they must be presented in the footnotes.

Empirical research articles should contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Background, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.

Review articles should contain the following sections: Title, Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Methodological Review Procedures, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

Theoretical articles/essays should contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development/Dissertation, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.

Title: maximum 12 words. Written in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Abstract: maximum 200 words. Must include division the following sections: background, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

Keywords: maximum 4, written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. They must be transcribed according to the MeSH descriptors (available in and/or ).

Introduction: Statement of the problem, arguments of relevance according to the literature. Study objectives.

Background: Presentation of the state of the art regarding the subject under study. It is suggested to include works published in the last 5 years, indexed in the database.

Methodology:  Type of study / Design/ Sample / Participants / Population. Data collection instruments, procedures and ethical-legal considerations. Data analysis techniques used.

Results: Presentation and analysis of data. Analysis rigor.

Discussion: Comparative analysis of the results with the existing knowledge about the theme and relevance of the new knowledge emerging from the study.

Conclusion: Conclusions related to the research objectives / questions / hypotheses. The results must support or refute the theme studied and presented in the article. Study limitations. Implications for health sciences, education and research. Suggestions for future investigations.

Acknowledgments: (optional) All support, financial, technical or institutional, which contributed to the development of the work, but which are not authoritative, must be highlighted.

Bibliographic reference standards: the American standard should be used. Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition. References must be from a primary source, included in the text, which must be presented in alphabetical order. It is suggested to integrate a reference published in RIIS.

Authors are encouraged to use the Standard Reporting Guidelines in preparing manuscripts. According to the type of study, you can use the following links:

Type of study


Clinical Trials




Systematic reviews and meta-analysis on clinical trials


Meta-analysis of observational studies


Diagnostic accuracy


Qualitative research



See here…

(Examples for the elaboration of bibliographic references)


With 1 Author

Bolander, V. (1998)

With 2 to 20 Authors:

Roper, N., Logan, W., & Tierney, J.

With more 20 authors:

Cooper, l., Eagle, K., Home, L., Robertson, A., Taylor, D., Reims, H. … Smith, W.A.

Editor like Author:

Melo, M. C., & Lopes, J. M. (Eds).

Colective Author:

Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa de Oliveira de Azeméis

Without Express Author:

Entry by title if the work is anonymous at the author's place is placed Anonymous


Author (s.d.).


With 1 author

Bolander, V. (1998). Enfermagem Fundamental. (1ª ed). Lisboa: Lusodidacta, 1998.

With 1 to 20 authors

Roper, N., Logan, W. & Tierney, A. J. (1995). Modelo De enfermagem. (3ª ed.) Alfragide: McGraw-Hill

With 21 or more authors, put the first nineteen names of the authors, followed by an ellipsis and the last author

Benavente, A., Silva, R., Gomes, P., Aníbal, A., Guerra, B., Santos, P.,… Simões, C. (1987). Do outro lado da escola. Lisboa. Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento.

Literary editor

Akai, K., Hayashi, M., & Nishimatsu, Y. (Eds). (1981). Weak   rock:   soft   fractured   and   weathered   rock: proceedings of the international symposium Tokyo, 1981. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema

Chapter of books

Napolitano, J. (2013). Development, sustainability  and internacional politics. In L. Meuleman (Ed.), Transgovernance:  Advancing sustainability governance (pp. 163-211). Berlin: Springer

Author collectivity:

Ministério da Saúde. Direção-Geral da Saúde. (2004). Plano Nacional de Saúde 2004-2010. Lisboa: Direção Geral da Saúde

Theses, dissertations and other academic evidence

Ferreira, P. (2004). Melhoria contínua da qualidade  na prestação de cuidados de saúde ao doente diabético tipo 2 [Tese de Mestrado]. Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Social da Faculdade de Medicina. RCAAP. LINK

Conference proceedings

Congresso Nacional de bibliotecários, arquivística e documentalista (1987). Integração europeia: um desafio à informação: atas de conferência. Coimbra: Minerva, 1987.


(Note: At the level of authors follows the rules of the book)

Gomes, R. M. (2012, Janeiro). Serra da Estrela. Revista Fugas, 152, (4), 20-21.


Decreto-Lei nº 192/89, de 08 de Junho. Diário da República, Série I (131)



Almodovar, A., & Cardoso, J. L. (1998). A history of portuguese economic thougth London: Routledge. Retirado de URL:

Periodicals articles

Nono, M. A. & Mizukami, N. (2002). Casos de ensino e processos de aprendizagem profissional docente. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos, 83 (203), retirado de 894&ppg=172>. ISSN 0034-71803.

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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. The Journal of Health Research & Innovation will ensure the technical measures necessary for the security and integrity of the information entered by this procedure, particularly as regards the protection of personal data, which are used only by this Journal, for academic purposes or for future actions. dissemination of activities related to the magazine.