Inadequate admission and readmission of child/youth to the pediatric emergency department: integrative review
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pediatric emergency medicine
health services misuse
health care quality assurance

How to Cite

Meireles, S., Silva, E., & Cordeiro, M. (2024). Inadequate admission and readmission of child/youth to the pediatric emergency department: integrative review. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(3), 1–12.


Background: children/youth often resort to the Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) repeatedly, which is considered inadequate use. It is essential to reduce the rates of emergency episodes of inadequate use, as a measure of efficiency and improved quality of care. Objective: identify the motives that lead to inadequate admission and readmission of the child/youth to PED. Methodology: this is an integrative review of the literature, using the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute, by searching the PubMed, CINAHL Complete and MEDLINE Complete databases. 1944 articles were identified, 496 were selected and 13 were included. Results: of the motives that lead to the inadequate admission and readmission of children/youth to PED, it was possible to highlight: parents'/caregivers’ concern about their children's health, limited access to Primary Health Care, the advantages of PED, the parents'/caregivers’ socioeconomic level and the presence of mental and social disorders in the child/youth. Conclusion: most studies find that inadequate admission and readmissions of children/youth to PED are multifactorial and very complex to solve. It will be important to implement strategies to improve the health literacy, promote the parental role and optimize the use of different health services.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sofia Meireles, Ernestina Silva, Manuel Cordeiro