Benefits of communication to the family in the emergency service: a systematic literature review
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emergency service hospital

How to Cite

Fernandes, I., & Dixe, M. dos A. (2024). Benefits of communication to the family in the emergency service: a systematic literature review. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(3), 1–12.


Background: the family accompanying the critically ill patient to the Emergency Department is an integral part of the critically ill patient and the provision of care. Objective: synthesize the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of nurse-led communication/information in reducing anxiety, stress, acceptance of illness/health/increasing patient and family safety. Methodology: the Systematic Literature Review was based on the PICO methodology, a search was carried out in the Pubmed CINAHL, Medline, SciELO and Scopus databases carried out in November 2022. Results: 539 articles were identified, and after removing duplicate articles, those that did not meet the inclusion criteria and methodological quality, the study was supported by 5 articles, in these studies family members, over 18 years old, recruited in the Emergency Department. A reduction in anxiety levels and an increase in acceptance of the illness was seen in most of the studies. Conclusion: it was found that the family of the critically ill patient in the Emergency Department benefits from the existence of a nurse who facilitates communication/information. There is a need for more research on this subject, and it is important to involve nurses in this issue.
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