Background: family functionality is important in the assessment of elderly families as it allows the development of family care strategies. It is emphasized that nurses specialized in Family Health Nursing are professionals capable of assisting the growing needs of the elderly and their families. Objective: to evaluate the functionality of the families of the elderly of a Family Health Unit from the Northern region of Portugal. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. It had a favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee for Health of the Regional Health Administration of the North (reference CE/2020/4). Sample consisted of 60 elderly people. A form including the Family Functionality Scale (FF-Family APGAR) was applied. Results: mean age was 76.63 years, most were female (53.3%), married (61.7%), had a 1st cycle of schooling (46.7%) and lived with their spouse (46.2%). The majority of the sample (71.7%) considered the family to be highly functional, in that they were almost always satisfied with the help they received from the family. Conclusion: the elderly in the sample have a high perception of family functionality, valuing, above all, the help they receive from their relatives. The family nurse should involve the family more in providing care to improve its quality.
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