Contributions of nurses interventions in communication in Palliative Care: scoping review
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paliative care
nursing care

How to Cite

Soares, S., Pinho, C., Bastos, E., & Ferreira, L. (2024). Contributions of nurses interventions in communication in Palliative Care: scoping review. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(1), 1–15.


Background: communication in palliative care is a continuous challenge for professionals. Nurses are responsible for the development of these interventions, and it will be from these that the best results for patients and families will result. Objective: to map the interventions on communication of nurses in the context of palliative care. Methodology: exploratory review study following the methodology of the Joana Briggs Institute. Faced with the question "What communication interventions are developed by nurses in palliative care teams?", a search was carried out in the databases, with descriptors MESH, "palliative care", "nursing Care", "communication" with eligibility criteria. Results: with 88 studies, we selected 11, presenting selection criteria adopted. They report the existence of few studies in the area of communication in palliative care; physicians are less represented; clinical condition at the time of the interview, is impacting and focus on a single moment. It is important to communicate even with computer tools associated with the ability to choose and enhancing its unquestionable benefit. Communication is very relevant link between the nurse and the patient. Conclusion: humanization of death and the understanding of nurses in the communication of information sustain "a meaning for life". It is possible to map the interventions identified by nurses and identify limitations/gaps of knowledge in communication in palliative care.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sérgio Soares, Carla Pinho, Elisabete Bastos, Luísa Ferreira