Background: deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) is characterized by the formation of a clot in a deep vein and its partial or total obstruction. Surgical interventions are a risk factor for the development of DVT, becoming the Nursing intervention important in the prevention of this condition and, inherently, in reducing morbidity and mortality. Objective: to identify nursing interventions aimed to prevent DVT in the postoperative period. Methodology: Integrative literature review guided by the research question: "What is the nurse's intervention in the prevention of DVT in adult and elderly people, in the postoperative period?". After defining the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the articles were searched in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Pubmed and B-on databases. Results: the selection totaled 5 articles whose results encompass 5 areas of nursing intervention: health education, early promotion of autonomy, potentiation of venous return, promotion of dietary evolution and anti-thrombotic pharmacological prophylaxis. Conclusion: nurses are crucial in the prevention of DVT through teaching about early mobilization, deep breathing exercises and coughing, massage of the lower limbs, application of compression stockings and administration of anti-thrombotic therapy.
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