Family health gains sensitive to the Dynamic Family Assessment/Intervention Model
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nursing diagnosis; family nursing; family nurse practitioners; family health

How to Cite

Ferreira, M., Pereira, C., Rodrigues, M. J., Paiva, M., Arrojado, V., & Figueiredo, M. H. (2020). Family health gains sensitive to the Dynamic Family Assessment/Intervention Model. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 3(2), 7–20.


Background: the Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention (MDAIF) is a theoretical and operational framework that aims to respond to the needs of nurses in caring for families. Objective: to evaluate health gains sensitive to nursing care provided by students collaboratively with families according to the MDAIF. Methodology: this is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study, with a convenience sample, consisting of 35 families. Data collection was performed from the nursing records of caring provided to families, which were subsequently subjected to a descriptive analysis. Results: the MDAIF allowed students to obtain health gains beside their families. From the diagnoses formulated, those of the development dimension stand out, followed by those of the functional dimension and finally by those of the structural dimension. There were gains in health that were sensitive to nursing care in all areas of care of the dimensions, with a positive change in the state of nursing diagnoses from 80.8% from before to after the intervention. Conclusion: nursing students, based on the MDAIF, evaluated and intervened collaboratively with families, obtaining gains in family health. Widespread dissemination of MDAIF in family care is recommended.
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