Use of the trapeze bar to support mobility - A nursing perspective
rehabilitation, nursing, secondary preventionAbstract
Background: assistive devices, as the trapeze bar, are designed to enhance functional capacity of individuals with deficits and improve/maintain their physical functionality and independence in daily activities, as transfers and ambulation. Objectives: to characterize the patient's level of dependency, to ascertain if nursing interventions are adjusted to patient's needs, and to determine if provision and use of the trapeze bar is appropriate for the patient. Methodology: a quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational study. Data collection was conducted using a Google Forms questionnaire. Results: a non-random sample of 100 individuals, with an average degree of severe dependency (Barthel Index), of which 76 (76.00%) had a trapeze bar and 24 (24.00%) did not. The results suggest that nursing interventions are adjusted to the level of dependency of the patients, especially in supporting transfers. Not all beds of dependent patients are equipped with trapeze bars, and the provision of trapeze bars does not appear to be adjusted to the level of dependency. When trapeze bars are present, they are used correctly and frequently, demonstrating their necessity and utility. Conclusion: the distribution of trapeze bars is not ideal, being done in an apparently random manner and not considering the needs of the patients in the sample.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andreia Alves, Carolina Bonito, Inês Costa, Inês João, Pedro Gaspar

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