Investment in Personal Life in Institutionalized Elderly
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elderly; institutionalization; satisfaction with life; investment in personal life

How to Cite

Martins, R., Figueiredo, A. ., Andrade, A. ., Albuquerque, C. ., & Martins, C. (2018). Investment in Personal Life in Institutionalized Elderly. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 1(1), 7–15.


Bachground: investment in personal life (IVP) may indicate the valuation and attribution of life goals of the elderly, in all its attributes and characteristics. Objective: to evaluate the levei and determinants of perceived IVF by institutionalized elderly. Methodology: non­experimental, descriptive-correlational and quantitative study, carried out on a sample of 90 institutionalized elderly people from the Central region of Portugal. A questionnaire was used, the Barthel lndex, Family Apgar Scale, Spirituality Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and Personal Life lnvestment Valuation Scale. Results: the perception of the elderly on the IPL is to 37.8% high, moderate to 30.0% and low to 32.2%. The men evaluated the investment in a more positive way than the women (p = 0.047), as well as the elderly with higher academic qualifications (p = 0.041) and with a higher levei of functional independence (p = 0.037). Family also has a side effect. Positive and significant (p = 0.020) non-lPL of the elderly, at the life expectancy (p = 0.002) and greater Life satisfaction (p = 0.013). Conclusions: the leveis of IVP of the elderly are differentiated but mostly positive and correlate significantly with several variables that work to contribute to an active and quality aging.
PDF (Português (Portugal))


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