About the Journal
The Journal of Health Research & Innovation (RIIS) is the new scientific project of Northern Portuguese Red Cross Health School: Research and Development Unit aims disseminate scientific knowledge produced in the area of Health Sciences, Education and Research. The review process is carried out in pairs so that RIIS guarantees scientific rigor in its publications and that it brings relevant contributions to the scientific advancement of the areas under study. It has semiannual periodic publication (June and December; supplementary publications may occur if we consider it opportune), being made available in electronic format whose access is public and free. Its extension is international and is published in Portuguese, English or Spanish. In case the article is submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, I undertake to translate it into English, level A.
Editorial Policies
RIIS publishes articles of empirical research, review or theoretical articles / essays that result from original research, from the different scientific areas of Health Sciences, Education and Research developed in Portugal and abroad, without any cost to the author or the reader. The review process is fully managed in a double blind review system, preserving the identity of authors and reviewers. The arbitration and evaluation process starts after receipt of the submitted article and is part of the Decision Flow Chart for Publication in 9 steps ABCDEFGH: A- Code Assignment; B- Pre-analysis; C- Peer review; D - Supervision of the Review; E - Technical and document review; F- Final review; G- Composition, Graphic Design and Layout; H- Disclosure.
Disseminate scientific, original and innovative research that highlights the pedagogical and scientific development of higher education in health and health in response to the needs of the constantly changing world.
Open Access Policies
RIIS offers immediate open and free access to its content, providing greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.