AVALIA-ULS: family doctors' perceptions on resources and training





health services, family practice, health resources, continuing medical education


Background: the Health Management Studies Group (GEST) of the Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF) created the "AVALIA-ULS: Analysis of the Advantages and Limitations of Local Health Units (ULS) – Perspectives from General and Family Medicine" questionnaire to assess the perceptions of General and Family Medicine (MGF) professionals regarding the universalization of this model. This article constitutes the second part of the AVALIA-ULS study, focusing on the perspectives on resources and training organization in ULS. Objectives: to understand the perception of Family Doctors about the resources and organization of training in ULS. Methodology: an online questionnaire was administered in 2023. Responses were analyzed using Microsoft Excel® and SPSS® v. 27. The chi-square test was used for analysis between subgroups of professionals with and without previous ULS experience (statistical significance for p<0.05). Results: a total of 342 responses were obtained. The impact on education regarding system organization and resource accessibility was considered more negative, while the transition to ULS was seen as more positive for training organizations. Conclusion: the results revealed a generally negative perception of the transition to the ULS model.


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How to Cite

Gomes, J., Águas dos Santos, A., Sequeira Leal, M. I., Mota Pimenta, F., Ornelas Azevedo, M., Antunes, J. P., … Luz Pereira, A. (2024). AVALIA-ULS: family doctors’ perceptions on resources and training. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(3), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37914/riis.v7i3.419