Background: surgical site infection appears in the surgical site or in the periphery, during the first 30 days after surgery. The prevention of this infection requires an adequate preoperative preparation. Objetive: evaluate the efficacy of the pre-surgical bath with chlorhexidine in the pre-surgical preparation of the skin when compared with the pre-surgical bath with placebo. Methods: this review was based on the question "What is the effectiveness of the pre-surgical bath with chlorhexidine versus pre-surgical bath with placebo in the pre-surgical preparation of the skin for the prevention of surgical site infection?”. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, descriptors, boolean operators were defined and the search was performed in MEDLINE and CINAHL databases. Nine articles were included in the review. Results: the pre-surgical bath with chlorhexidine for pre-surgical skin preparation alone is not significantly more effective when compared to the pre-surgical bath with placebo. Its effectiveness can be influenced by multiple factors that should be considered in the development of the surgical site infection. Conclusion: the pre-surgical bath with chlorhexidine should not be an isolated intervention in the prevention of surgical site infection but should be combined with other interventions as recommended in the current guidelines.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sara Isabel Gonçalves, Rodrigo Ferrinho, Marco Gonçalves