The nurse's role in promoting breastfeeding: integrative review
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Health promotion
The nurse's role

How to Cite

Pereira Garcia Galvão, D. M., & Batoca Silva, E. (2024). The nurse’s role in promoting breastfeeding: integrative review. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(1), 1–12.


Background: nurses have a unique role in protecting, promoting and supporting mothers’ breastfeeding, considering interventions to teach, guide and help them in the breastfeeding process. Objectives: to analyze the role of nurses in promoting breastfeeding in scientific production. Methodology: integrative literature review, in the Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, MEDLINE Complete, CINAHL Complete, MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete and Education Resources Information Center databases. 115 articles were selected and seven were included. Results: it was observed that nurses promote educational activities on breastfeeding from prenatal care, with greater insistence after delivery. Women appreciate empathetic support and an empowering approach to breastfeeding. The moral discourse, without taking into account the psychological and emotional needs, are pointed out as negative aspects. Conclusion: the analyzed studies show the importance of the nurse's role in promoting breastfeeding, due to the privileged position of acting in direct assistance to women and children, both at the hospital and community level. The need for empathetic communication becomes relevant, based on a model centered on the person and their needs, respecting autonomy and decision-making about breastfeeding.
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