Role of caregivers: construction of clinical pathway by specialised nurses
Caregivers, nursing, medical-surgical nursing, hospitalizationAbstract
Background: greater longevity raises challenges in several areas, including health and care provision. With advancing age, many morbidities and co-morbidities arise, leading to a higher rate of dependency and a greater need for formal or informal care. Objective: to assess the perception of a group of specialist nurses about the care provider's role. Methodology: an exploratory and descriptive qualitative study was designed. As a data collection technique, a focus group was used through an intentional sample consisting of 13 EEEMC. The data was categorized by consensus based on the content analysis technique and Bardin's assumptions. Results: the content analysis created six categories and two subcategories. In all of them, concordant validations were obtained, revealing that the nurses valued the domains above. The roles of caregiver, caregiver stress, and caregiver potential to take care of were cited as key in the decision-making process. On the other hand, the domains of family process, support and continuity of care were understood as secondary but essential to ensure continuity of care. Conclusion: the results reveal that the EEEMC unanimously values care providers in the context of hospitalization.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Renata Lopes dos Santos, Salomé Sobral, Lino André Silva, Énio Bessa, José Filipe Costa, Olinda Pires, Paula Lopes, Nuno Abreu, Eduardo Alves
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.