Cardiovascular risk stratification in young and master athletes: preparticipation screening questionnaire
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sudden cardiac death
physical exercise

How to Cite

Sousa, J. P., Valentim, B., Teixeira, A., Coelho, P., Pires, J., & Rodrigues, F. (2024). Cardiovascular risk stratification in young and master athletes: preparticipation screening questionnaire. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(1), 1–11.


Background: for any preparticipation evaluation, a questionnaire that reviews personal history of signs and symptoms and family history can identify athletes at cardiovascular risk of sudden cardiac death. Objectives: cardiovascular risk stratification using a pre-participation questionnaire in young and master athletes; evaluation of the perception of the importance of preparticipation screening among these two groups. Methodology: cross-sectional observational quantitative study, with data collection using a pre-participation questionnaire. Sample consisting of 66 athletes, 36 young athletes and 30 master athletes. Statistical analysis using the IBM® SPSS Statistics version 27.0 program. Results: a significant difference was observed in the gender between young and master athletes (ρ=0,047), time of federated sports practice (ρ=0,022), type of sport practiced (ρ=0,002), reasons for performing ECG (ρ=0,002), prescription of cardiac exam by a doctor in the past (ρ=0,025). No significance was observed in the family history and in the perception of the importance of the preparticipation evaluation between the two groups. Conclusions: the older the age, the more cardiac alterations may be present and more often athletes in this age group resort to health services to perform cardiac exams. The athletes showed a great perception of the importance of the preparticipation evaluation, as well as the electrocardiogram. A careful assessment of athletes should not be dismissed taking into account their age.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 João Pedro Sousa, Bruno Valentim, Amaro Teixeira, Patrícia Coelho, Joana Pires, Francisco Rodrigues