The impact of COVID-19 on nursing workload
PDF (Português (Portugal))


critical care nursing
health resources
quality of health care

How to Cite

Silva, A., & Moreira, E. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 on nursing workload. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(2), 1–08.


Background: the Coronavirus triggered the biggest challenge to the health system in modern times. Presented with this unexpected scenario, new factors influenced the nursing workload. Objective: to assess the nursing workload of the critical COVID-19 patient through the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Methodology: observational and retrospective study carried out with critical care patients. Data concerning demographic, clinical and NAS variables was obtained through clinical records. Results: the median NAS obtained in the level II patient was 55, with a maximum of 81.7 and a minimum of 41, ranging from 81.7 to 44.1 on the first day. The median NAS obtained in the level III patient was 58, with a maximum of 89.5 and a minimum of 42.8, ranging from 89.5 and 49.6 on the first day. Conclusion: it was found the nursing workload was higher in COVID-19 infected patients comparing with previous data regarding non COVID-19 infected patients. Nursing workload was also higher in type III COVID-19 patients.
PDF (Português (Portugal))


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Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Silva, Edson Moreira