Family experiencing fear of death in a pediatric intensive care unit: phenomenological study
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intensive care units; death; family; child

How to Cite

Bazzan, J., Milbrath, V. M., Gabatz, R. I. B., Neves, J. de L., Hense, T. D., & Freitag, V. L. (2024). Family experiencing fear of death in a pediatric intensive care unit: phenomenological study. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 7(3), 1–10.


Background: the pediatric intensive care unit is a stressful environment, where the family experiences an unexpected situation, surrounded by anguish, fear of the unknown and the risk of the child's death. Objective: to understand the families' experiences during the child's hospitalization in the pediatric intensive care unit. Methodology: qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, carried out in a teaching hospital. Participants were 13 family members of children who were hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit. Data collected through a phenomenological semi-structured interview and interpreted using hermeneutics. Results: the family experiences the fear of the unknown in the face of the existential vulnerability of being a child during hospitalization, the fear intensifies when the child is hospitalized for the second time. This impact adds to a variety of negative feelings; in coping, the family uses different coping mechanisms such as strengthening the support network, positive thinking, faith, strength and hope. Conclusion: to face the situation of illness, receiving the prognosis and risk of death of the child, the family suffers a strong impact, the fear of losing the child is evident as the greatest of them, being essential to adapt to the situation and use a coping mechanism.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 jessica stragliotto bazzan, Viviane Marten Milbrath, Ruth Irmgard Bärtschi Gabatz, Josiele de Lima Neves, Tuize Damé Hense, Vera Lucia Freitag