Nurses' perception of patients' knowledge in relation to the perioperative period
Framing: clients' knowledge about perioperative care is an important need, which is related to better postoperative outcomes. Nurses should promote the improvement of this knowledge in the care delivery process. Objectives: describe the nurses' perception of the knowledge demonstrated by clients about perioperative care. Methodology: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive-exploratory study. An online questionnaire was applied to nurses between June and August 2022, obtaining a sample of 41 participants. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling. For data treatment, the statistical program SPSS, ® version 20, was used and analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: the average age is 35 years and it can be seen that in the perception of the nurses, the clients demonstrate insufficient knowledge. The items whose knowledge was described as more deficient are the need for bathing, the evaluation of capillary glucose and temperature, the size of the incision and the presence of devices after surgery. Conclusion: patients' knowledge is perceived by nurses as insufficient, which seems to reinforce the importance of teaching, especially in the preoperative period, which may contribute to improving the client's surgical experience and reducing complications.
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