Preparation of the family caregiver of the elderly with hip fracture
PDF (Português (Portugal))


hip fractures
family caregiver

How to Cite

Oliveira, R., Abreu, M., & Reis, L. (2023). Preparation of the family caregiver of the elderly with hip fracture. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(1), 61–72.


Background: falls in the elderly may result in injuries, namely proximal femur fracture (PFF), which leads to surgical intervention. Most elderly people, in the postoperative period, show a compromise in the performance of activities of daily living, which requires the intervention of a family caregiver (FC). Objectives: to know how nurses identify FC of the elderly with PFF; to analyze nurses’ perceptions of the assessment of the FC potential to provide care; to identify the process of preparing the FC for the return home. Methodology:  exploratory qualitative study through semi-structured interviews with 21 nurses of an Orthopedics service of a hospital in Portugal. Bardin's content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained. Results: regarding how nurses identify the FC, the most prevalent category was "Elderly" (62%). As for the assessment of the FC potential for care, the most prevalent categories were "Informal" (38%) and "Nonexistent" (33%). In the domain of the FC preparation process, the category "Teaching" emerged.  Conclusion: the results obtained justify the need for the existence of nursing programs to support the FC of older adults with FPF.
PDF (Português (Portugal))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rita Oliveira, Margarida Abreu, Laura Reis