Avaliação da Implementação do Modelo de Acompanhamento aos Familiares Cuidadores
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How to Cite

França, D., Festa, A., Santos, P. ., Peixoto, M. J., & Araújo, M. F. (2023). Avaliação da Implementação do Modelo de Acompanhamento aos Familiares Cuidadores. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(2), 39–50. https://doi.org/10.37914/riis.v6i2.264


Background: the support provided by nurses to family caregivers in the transition to the role causes challenges in preparing of mastery in care and in the documental process. Information systems should be an essential tool in the decision-making of the professionals, allowing the continuity and quality of care provided and the achievement of health gains. Objective: evaluate the changes in the nurse documentation regarding family caregivers after the intervention. Methodology: quasi-experimental study before and after intervention, using the consultation of documentation carried out by nurses in their activities with family caregivers. Results: the focus of the Caregiver Role reveals a significant increase in the final phase, as well as the diagnostic statements involving the Caregiver Role. The most documented interventions remain those of the Assess an Teach type, but this increase is not significant. Interventions of the Incentive type are marginally significant and those of the Train and Instruct type show a statistically significant decrease. Conclusion: the study revealed improvements in the Caregiver Role areas, however it still reveals areas of caregiver underreporting, with need for a higher investment.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela França, António Festa, Patrícia Santos, Maria José Peixoto, Maria Fátima Araújo