Factors influencing help-seeking process of abortion services in Mozambique
Mozambique, adolescents, pregnancy, abortionAbstract
Background: help-seeking behaviour implies an active search for information, counselling, treatment or support to respond to a recognized problem. Objective: to understand the help seeking process for abortion services by adolescents and young women, sources of help and, the influencing factors. Methods: a qualitative approach was applied using semi-structured interviews with nurses from Adolescents and Young People Friendly Health Services, gynaecology emergency services and, maternity services of 8 health facilities in Maputo and Quelimane cities; 14 adolescents and young women who induced abortion were also interviewed. The data was analysed using content analysis approach. Results: the help seeking process for abortion services started with confirmation and recognition of the pregnancy. Friends and sisters were the initial sources of information and stimuli for the identification of the provider of abortion services, after analysing the costs and benefits of keeping the pregnancy or inducing abortion; non-perception of the susceptibility and the severity of having an early pregnancy. Non-awareness of sources of help and laws; fear of public exposure; lack of financial resources; and providers’ behaviour served as barriers in this process. Conclusion: dissemination of available sexual and reproductive health services is recommended, as well as promotion of sex education for healthy choices.
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