Surgical patient satisfaction with intraoperative nursing care: a scoping review


  • Alexandre Lomba Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central
  • Luisa Pais Ferreira Escola Superior de Saúde Norte CVP
  • Lúcia Gerónimo Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central



Patient satisfaction, Perioperative nursing, Operating room


Background: patient satisfaction with nursing care is a valid indicator of the quality of care and a useful tool for continuous quality improvement. Nonetheless, studies concerning patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care in the operating room have been lacking, which limits the development of nursing interventions that may promote it. Objective: to map dimensions of patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care in the operating room. Methodology: scoping review, oriented by The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews, 2020 version. 8 articles were included in the scoping review after inclusion criteria application. Results: relevant dimensions of patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care in the operating room were identified, namely: information, nurse-patient relationship, satisfaction of physiological needs and operating room environment. Nursing interventions that meet these dimensions were also identified. Conclusion: patient´s empowerment, therapeutic relationship, physiological homeostasis and operating room efficiency are the most frequently identified dimensions and the more relevant to patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care in the operating room.


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How to Cite

Lomba, A., Pais Ferreira, L., & Gerónimo, L. (2023). Surgical patient satisfaction with intraoperative nursing care: a scoping review. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(2), 103–114.