Psychoscocial risks: prevention and control of occupational stress
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psychosocial risks
occupational stress

How to Cite

Farias, P., Santos, C., Pinho, R., Pereira, M., Teixeira, I., & Ferreira, M. (2023). Psychoscocial risks: prevention and control of occupational stress. Journal of Health Research & Innovation, 6(1), 125–137.


Background: psychosocial risks significantly affect workers mental health, which may lead to the emergence of stress as the main risk factor in the work environment.  Considered the second most reported health problem in Europe, it is essential to invest in prevention and health promotion measures in the workplace to ensure high levels of health and mental well-being for workers. Objective: identify effective occupational health strategies for the prevention and control of stress in the workplace. Methodology: an integrative literature review was carried out based on MeSHTM descriptors through the EBSCOhost platform based on the underlying inclusion and exclusion criteria, with the analysis of 5 articles. Results: from the analysis of the articles, it appears that the interventions for the prevention and control of stress are integrated in the individual domains (including the subdomains: self-assessment (symptoms), self-knowledge, motivation, time management and lifestyles) and organizational (integrating the subdomains: planning; leadership; conflict management; structural empowerment; professional recognition and music therapy). Conclusions: stress-free work environments contribute to workers' health and well-being. Organizational support systems, audits on exposure to stress, counselling, education, training, and work balance initiatives needs to be created. The importance of investment in research and implementation of occupational stress management strategies is highlighted.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Paula Farias, Catarina Santos, Rita Pinho, Marta Pereira, Iara Teixeira, Manuela Ferreira