Background: the transition process between inpatient institutions and the home entails changes and adaptations, especially for the informal caregiver. Objectives: to understand the difficulties experienced by informal caregivers in caring for the family member/user at home; Identify the tools used by them to overcome them; Know the support they have for the provision of care at home; Know your opinion about the importance of a home visit before the patient goes home and, finally, create an Integrar+ intervention project. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive and exploratory study with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach and with a sample of 8 caregivers. A semi-structured interview (ad hoc) was used. Results: informal caregivers did not feel prepared to receive the family member/user at home, most did not have adapted housing. The needs mentioned were: physical, psychological/emotional, financial, social and unavailability. They mentioned emotional coping, family, social and self-care support, training of informal and family/user caregivers and health care as strategies. Conclusion: the articulation between the Continuing Integrated Care Team and the referral entities is essential for a safe transition of care, with health gains for informal caregivers/users/families.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Teresa Lima, Odete Amaral, Pureza de Almeida, Paula Carvalho, Tânia Marques, Ana Raquel Pinto, Tânia Coimbra