Background: the social support is multidimensional, where its meaning influences the decision of breastfeeding. Objectives: to characterize the maternal attitudes toward breastfeeding in mums of infants; To verify the influence of sociodemographic characteristics, pregnancy experience, current infant feeding experience in maternal attitudes toward breastfeeding; Analyse the association between the satisfaction with social support and the maternal attitudes toward breastfeeding. Methodology: a quantitative and descriptive-correlational study, involving 403 mums. Data collection was online, in June/2019, after consent of the UICISA:E:a questionnaire, the Maternal Attitudes toward Breastfeeding Scale and Satisfaction with Social Support Scale. Results: the majority presented high in attitudes towards the behavior and moderate in the subjective norm and breastfeeding decision. Marital status, number of previous pregnancies, length of stay at home after delivery, current maintenance of breastfeeding and social activities obtained a statistically significant association. Conclusion: it’s required watchful nurses of the social support for women empowerment in the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding.
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