Rehabilitation of person with major amputation of vascular etiology: exploratory study
Amputation, Rehabilitation Nursing, Lower Extremity, Functional StatusAbstract
Background: early rehabilitation is essential in the recovery of a person with a major amputation of vascular etiology, but their postoperative rehabilitation process is not sufficiently studied. Objective: to characterize the recovery process after major lower limb amputation by vascular etiology. Methodology: exploratory and retrospective study, with 40 people with major amputation of vascular etiology in a Portuguese central hospital, between 1 to 36 months postoperative. A questionnaire was requested to assess sociodemographic and clinical data, rehabilitation, adaptation to the home, prosthetic fitting and functional independence. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: it was found that 92.5% performed postoperative rehabilitation, 65% returned home and 72.5% performed changes at home. A 15% prosthetization rate, with an average waiting time of 16.33 months (SD = 9.50). At discharge, the Barthel Index was 42.88, gradually increasing during postoperative ([1-5 months]: M=62.50; [6-11 months]: M=77.35; [12-23 months]: M=78.75). Conclusion: most underwent rehabilitation and there was a positive evolution of functional independence. The main felt difficulties and the changes made at home are related to self-care in hygiene, transfers and use of the toilet. The importance of family involvement in the rehabilitation process and preparation for returning home was highlighted.
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