Background: in the context of an international public health emergency due to SARS-CoV-2, the suspension of presence teaching activities created a disruption to regular functioning of higher education institutions with impact on the academic community. Objective: to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the academic and life path of students and their satisfaction with the measures adopted. Methodology: descriptive, exploratory study. Data collection by online questionnaire, centered on the conditions for distance learning, on the students' experiences and on the impact and satisfaction with the Contingency Plan. A non-probabilistic and convenient sample was used. Statistical analysis of the data according to the nature of the variables. Results: 264 students participated with average age of 28.2 ± 10.2 years. In general, they report very good conditions at home to implement distance learning (X=4,4±0,67,2−5). The majority (79.2%, n = 209) reported having participated in non-presence activities after activating the Contingency Plan. The impact analysis shows very high levels adequacy of educational platforms. There is also a high level of satisfaction with the information provided. Conclusion: the measures adopted were adequate and contributed to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the teaching, learning and assessment process of students.
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